This Gift God Gave To Me | Teen Ink

This Gift God Gave To Me

June 2, 2016
By Rubydarksoul BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
Rubydarksoul BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anything is Possible

This gift God gave to me,

This special one i love.

In my heart it chall be,

This angel from above.


Pass the moon, pass the sky,

Pass the hills, up so high.

This gift came far just for me,

This gift God gave, to help me see.


A mother he made, just for me,

A mother to care, as kind as can be.

A mother to protect me from danger,

A mother who is willing to help any stranger.


She came to me one stormy night,

She hugged me close, so warm and tight.

The rain has stopped, my heart full of love,

This gift of God from above.


We grew older, mother and I,

We loved each other, love that can not die.

She picked me up when I fell down,

She made me smile when I had a frown.


In her eyes, stars I see,

In her smile, Lord speaks to me.

In her heart, full of gold,

In her spirit, love so bold.


She grew older, so wise and kind,

I watched her smile, yet so blind.

To see the truth, to see my tears,

The nightmare begun, my awful fears.


I held her hand, my mother dear,

She hugged me tight, said "theres nothing to fear".

I started to cry, she said quiet as can be,

"Be stron, be brave, be an angel for me".


I hugged her  tight, and smile bright,

She turned warm and gleamed a light.

I look at her and held her hand,

Her light explodes across the land.


Wings she had, this angel I see,

My mother, Lovely as can be.

She said her last goddbyes,

And said, " I'll still be there, so please dont cry".


I smiled again, happy as can be,

Thank you Lord for setting her free.

She flew away, her love I see,

I always cherish, this gift god gave to me.

The author's comments:

I want to people to read this and find the truth that we will lose the ones we love one day, but i want them to read this and understand that they wont always be sad when they go, that they are happy when your happy. That there is always a brighter day..:)

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