Letter to Myself | Teen Ink

Letter to Myself

May 29, 2024
By KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Me,

This is all you have ever dreamed of, growing up, moving away, having your own responsibilities, having ultimate freedom, and beginning your own life.  When the last bell of 5th grade rang, you ran out the doors and rejoiced, excited but nervous for middle school.  After the last bell of middle school rang, you sprinted out the doors even faster, ready but sick at the thought of moving on to high school.  But for some reason, the last bell of high school seems different right?  This feels harder.  The thought of leaving your friends and family, moving away, and pretty much saying goodbye to the only life you have ever known will make anyone's stomach churn.  Trust that God will help you through no matter what decision you make with which school, what major, what to do, or where to go later down the line.  Stay true to yourself, do your best work, and always believe. Accept the fact that you will struggle and face hardships but persevere past them.  This truly is the zenith of your life and you should embrace it.  Think of this as just another stepping stone.  You made it past elementary school with ease, then middle school, and now finishing up high school, you move on to college.  It is important to look back at all of the people who have shaped you to be the person you are today.  Mom always says “Don’t take anything for granted.”  Think of all of those friends that won’t be so close anymore, but thank them for all they have done for you.  Think of all the memories you made through these first 18 years of life, and now think of the ones to come.  Life is a long journey, and you are only at the beginning, so be thankful for the life you have lived, and excited for all of the life you still have yet to experience.

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