Brace4impact | Teen Ink


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Member for 13 years


I'm 16 years old I like rock and pop music. Since I could remember I have wanted to be a writer, one of my biggest inspirations is Ellen Hopkins. My poems and stories are to share my story and experiences with kids older and younger then me.

Books: Long hard road out of hell, Glass, Crank, Go ask alice
Music: The emptiness, Holywood, Marilyn Manson, Hymn for the shameless
Movies: Titanic, The immortals, Epic movie, 8 mile
TV Shows: Family guy, American dad, Teen moms, 16 and pregnant
Interests: Txtn, Reading, Basketball, Sleeping

By Brace4impact SILVER
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brace4impact SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;we share the same story, just a different he&quot;<br /> &quot;through stained glass it&#039;s almost like we&#039;re unusual, not indifferent, not unrepairable&quot;<br /> &quot;as they glanced as one another, ther eyelids dripped with love&quot; <br /> &quot;live life fearless&quot; -shayla Thompson

By Brace4impact SILVER
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brace4impact SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;we share the same story, just a different he&quot;<br /> &quot;through stained glass it&#039;s almost like we&#039;re unusual, not indifferent, not unrepairable&quot;<br /> &quot;as they glanced as one another, ther eyelids dripped with love&quot; <br /> &quot;live life fearless&quot; -shayla Thompson

By Brace4impact SILVER
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brace4impact SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;we share the same story, just a different he&quot;<br /> &quot;through stained glass it&#039;s almost like we&#039;re unusual, not indifferent, not unrepairable&quot;<br /> &quot;as they glanced as one another, ther eyelids dripped with love&quot; <br /> &quot;live life fearless&quot; -shayla Thompson

Brace4impact SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;we share the same story, just a different he&quot;<br /> &quot;through stained glass it&#039;s almost like we&#039;re unusual, not indifferent, not unrepairable&quot;<br /> &quot;as they glanced as one another, ther eyelids dripped with love&quot; <br /> &quot;live life fearless&quot; -shayla Thompson

By Brace4impact SILVER
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brace4impact SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;we share the same story, just a different he&quot;<br /> &quot;through stained glass it&#039;s almost like we&#039;re unusual, not indifferent, not unrepairable&quot;<br /> &quot;as they glanced as one another, ther eyelids dripped with love&quot; <br /> &quot;live life fearless&quot; -shayla Thompson

By Brace4impact SILVER
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brace4impact SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;we share the same story, just a different he&quot;<br /> &quot;through stained glass it&#039;s almost like we&#039;re unusual, not indifferent, not unrepairable&quot;<br /> &quot;as they glanced as one another, ther eyelids dripped with love&quot; <br /> &quot;live life fearless&quot; -shayla Thompson