Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys | Teen Ink

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

January 29, 2018
By reyny55 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
reyny55 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Between Shades of Gray is by Ruta Sepetys and it’s historical fiction. It is told in 1st person point of view. The main characters are  a girl named Lina, her little brother Jonas, and their mom. It’s about the holocaust. When the book starts they are getting banished by the NKVD (Narodny komissariat vnutrennikh del) from where they live, Lithuania. They are crammed in cattle cars for 6 weeks. Shaking, Lina doesn’t know what to do. No one knows where they are going. They rarely took breaks, but when they did, they would leave dead bodies on the road to rot. They arrived at a prison camp in Siberia; her father is nowhere to be found. They are put in shacks and sent to work. They are treated very very bad, and the NKVD are forcing them to sign a paper saying they are in prison for 25 years of hard labor. At first they don’t sign it, then they are treated worse. The NKVD threaten them, they try to scare them, they do anything to get them to sign. Do they end up signing it? Read the book to find out. Another book by Ruta Sepetys is called Salt to The Sea. It’s also about the holocaust. It is told by many point of views. Joana’s, Florian’s, Emilia’s, and Alfred’s. They each have different backgrounds and different stories. I recommend both books very much.


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