Dr. Birds Advice for Sad Poets by Evan Roskos | Teen Ink

Dr. Birds Advice for Sad Poets by Evan Roskos

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

James Whitman lives through a life where he suffers from anxiety and depression. James has an imaginary bird that’s a therapist that helps him with his problems. He has a sister that go kicked out of the house for being rebellious. They both like writing poetry to let out their stress or anxiety. He wants to become a better person so he tries to do things to help others. He tries to help his sister to get her back in the house
My book is a good book because it can relate to teenagers and the story line is one of the greatest plot I’ve ever read according to me. What didn’t work was the title everything is great but the title because it doesn’t make sense. characterization, James the main character is a kid that suffers from depression, mental health, anxiety, and abusive parents. Which gives him the personality and characterization that is very strong. Then he has a sister, Jorie he left her parents’ house this character is very weak because when I first got to read her and talking about how” her room was how she left it”. Then I realized that she was still alive. Plot structure was strong because it always talked about where they are and the story line. The theme is insightful because of just the story in general because it can happen to someone and has a meaning and the depth of it because it’s not just any other cliché story. I can’t make a connection to another book because I’ve never read a book like this. I would recommend this because it explains everything very well and the story is phenomenal like I would read this again.

My favorite quote from the book is “Dr. bird wants to know if I’ve had any panic attacks this week. I say no” (Roskos 34). because the bird shows that he cares about James and wants the best for him. Even though the birds know what he is going through. “Yamp” James always says yamp to always bother his father or when he excited (Roskos throughout the book).


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