The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald | Teen Ink

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

February 26, 2008
By Anonymous

The question of true love is one to be pondered, and many have different views. Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, discloses that true love is enduring love and the only people that experience it are men: Gatsby and Nick.

Gatsby's love is one of genuine passion. When first viewing Gatsby, Nick notes “he was trembling” (21), shaking with the love he has for Daisy. When kissing her he completes her. His love for her is so great that he waits for her. He waits five years before seeing her again. He waits until dawn for her after Tom discovers their affair, to insure her safety.

Nick's experience of true love was one of friendship for Gatsby. In the beginning of the book Nick states that Gatsby was the only one he wants. After Gatsby dies Nick, “found myself (himself) on Gatsby's side, alone.” (164). Nick is one of the three people who went to Gatsby's funeral. He has an enduring love for Gatsby, one that lasts through his death, and years beyond.

While Nick and Gatsby represent true love, the women in the book symbolize fleeting passions. All of this can be shown through Daisy. Daisy falls in love with Gatsby, but marries Tom. “I loved him once - but I loved you too.” (132). She gives away her love to another. Then she leaves Gatsby, with out a word, after the car accident and reviling her affair with him to Tom. She jumps between men while promising them that she loves them.

Love is enduring. Nick classifies love as, “eternal reassurance in it” (48). Nick embodies that love for Gatsby. Gatsby represents that love for Daisy. Yet Daisy fell short. True love is simpler than many think; true love is one that lasts forever.


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