Hoop Dreams by Ben Joravsky | Teen Ink

Hoop Dreams by Ben Joravsky

September 15, 2017
By Jp232 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
Jp232 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hoop Dreams by Ben Joravsky is an autobiography that helps explain the determination and hard work you have to have in order to make it where you want to be in life. The two main characters in the book want to make it into the NBA, and it talks about the obstacles they have to face in order to get where they want. They both have the same goals but go different ways to work and try and achieve that goal. This book is very entertaining and memorable by how Joravsky describes them playing basketball, what they are doing and how he describes certain moments the way you’ll never forget. Issues had come along their path to stardom such as injuries. At some point it could been a season ending injuring, All you have to do is get up and keep on working to get back where you left off. This book can help you learn the importance of working and to never quite before you reach your goal.

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