The Lost Boy | Teen Ink

The Lost Boy

October 8, 2007
By Anonymous

David Pelzer, an eight–year old-boy steals food to survive and his mother beats him. David lives in a garage, and sleeps on an old army cot but then every thing changes. He gets put into a foster home with Lillian & Ruby. While getting into other troubles like: sets a school room on fire, fights at home with other foster children, and runs away from home. His lawyer puts him in a bunch of different foster homes so he won't live with his violent mother again. The Lost Boy is a book of freedom from his mother and for peace. I like The Lost Boy because it makes you feel like you were right there beside David when all the events happened. I also liked the lost boy because it brings so many surprises to your mind. I recommend that if you like auto biographies, read The Lost Boy.


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