The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer

May 26, 2016
By welsch BRONZE, Salem, Utah
welsch BRONZE, Salem, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a shivering thought while you are reading a book? In The Lost Boy written by Dave Pelzer, you can close your eyes and picture the horror and what the little boy is going through and the love he is missing in his life. You can picture the emotions on his face, the anger his mother has towards the little boy.

In The Lost Boy there are three main characters. There is Mother, Father, and David.
The character I like the most is David because he’s going through so much, but then again, he is a tough, strong willed boy who just wants to have a regular life and a loving family. I have sympathy for him and when I’m reading I can feel an emotion of sadness come over me, especially when he said, “The only pleasure in my life is when I sleep. That's the only time I can escape my life. I love to dream.”

Then there's Mother. I don’t like Mother because she is cruel and mean. How can someone be so rude to her little boy and let them go into foster care instead of giving him the family he deserves. When I read about the things mother does I feel up with rage, cringe a little bit, and a sense of sadness come over me because she lost one of the best things in her life and she doesn't even realize it. For example Mother says, “Stephan, don’t you get it? Don’t you understand? I don’t give a damn about him. I don’t give a damn about the boy.” 

Then there is Father “All I’m trying to say is, well no child deserves to live like that. My God, Roerva you treat dogs better than… than you do The Boy.” Father wants to help David but Mother is in charge. It’s sad that Father will stick up for the boy, but not take the boy so he has a home and a real father. Even if Mother isn't around Father should do something about it. 

The author Dave Pelzer is the “Lost boy” in this book. It’s written about his life and the struggles he went through as a kid.

What I learned from this book is that you can overcome anything in this life no matter what it is. Just strive to do what’s good. Don’t let the negative and bad thoughts come your way. Also no matter how hard life gets, don’t give up. You never know what life has in store for you in the future.


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