City of Bones by Cassandra Clare | Teen Ink

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

May 6, 2016
By Anonymous

The Mortal Instruments is a fictional book series by Cassandra Clare. Mrs.Clare has been called “ the Queen of Fantasy “ and with The Mortal instruments selling over six million copies she rightfully deserves the title. The first book, City of Bones, introduces you to the Shadow World, a world that only a select few can see and comprehend. The Shadow World consists of a few faces of being. First we have warlocks, Cassandra’s warlocks are beings they can do magic, summon demons, live eternally, and can be paid for a high price for a wide range of services. Next we have vampires and werewolves. Vampires and werewolves are at each other's throats fighting over territory, rights, and over mundanes every once and awhile. Both vampires and werewolves have a head of their clans and packs that lead both groups. Faries are another race of Downworlders, these consists of sprites, nixies, mermaids, trolls, and most of the other fairy tale characters that have become popular over the years. Mundanes are average everyday citizens like us. They are people that have no blood of any of the Downworlders races and do not have the ability to see the Shadow World. Finally we have the Nephilim, the descendants of angles. Nephilim are also known as Shadowhunters. Shadowhunters are just like humans but with the enhanced abilities that come from having angel blood running through their veins. They have one job and that is to kill the demons that pour into our dimension and our world and try to take it for themselves. They protect humans from the dangers of the Shadow World and live without being known that they even exist. Like us they get married and have children, and have feelings like we do. Not all Nephilim are good though, not too long ago a group of Shadowhunter students wanted to change things, they didn't like the laws and wanted the power for themselves, they were called The Circle. Most of the most famous and doc families of Shadowhunters made up The Circle. They lashed out against their government and failed miserably. Heavy losses from both sides shattered trust between the families. The leader of the group, Valentine, was thought to have one son with his wife, Jocelyn. After they were defeated Valentine was thought to have burnt himself alive with his wife and son. Sixteen years in the future is where the story begins with an average mundane girl named Clary. She's at a teen club with her best friend Simon when she sees a group of kids murder a member of the club except ,no one else sees it happening, and she's a mundane she shouldn't be able to see the Nephilim murdering the demon disguised as a teenager. When she returns home a break in has occurred but even worse her mother is missing. After being attacked by a raging demon in her own room one of the strange boys from the clu appears and takes her away just before she can be killed. When she wakes up she finds Jace Herondale staring down at her from a strange building she has never seen before. Isabelle and Alec Lightwood are watching the mundane from the distance. In an instant you can tell that Alec isn't impressed and wants her as far away from Jace as possible, but why would he want that? Isabelle just looks eager to have a new friend, but is that what they'll be? And Jace Herondale looks like he's taken a particular interest in her wellbeing but is it meant to be? How does Valentine and the disappearance of Clary’s mother tie in to this whole situation when she's just a mundane girl who's father died before she was born and whose mother is just an average painter? In this epic tale you get to find out about Shadowhunter politics, love, and most of all the importance of the love of your family. Who cares if you might have come from a heritage of evil and insane people especially when you're so mundane. Cassandra does a beautiful job of not only painting a clear picture of characters but also the locations that only exist in the Shadow World. You get to see how different other races interacts as we do not and just how powerful love and family can make you or break you. I highly recommend this fast paced, fantasy novels with so many twist and turns by the time your done your emotions are going to need a break.

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