Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed | Teen Ink

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed

October 26, 2015
By Anonymous

Perseverance Will Prevail
Everyone faces ups and downs in his lifetime. When the downs become so low that it seems impossible to rise again, life can feel too hard to continue. No matter how great the calamity, it is possible to survive and thrive. Whether the problem is mental or physical, it is not insurmountable. With enough perseverance and determination, no tragedy or obstacle is too great to overcome. In Cheryl Strayed’s novel, Wild, she is faced with many challenges that test both her physical fitness and mental stability. She is able to push herself past her limits, and accomplishes many things that she never would have thought possible.
When Strayed is twenty-two, she is faced with the loss of her mother. Taken from this world too early by cancer, the loss devastates Strayed. Without the keystone of her mother to hold her life in place, it begins to crumble. Her family, once close, is strained and pulled apart by the loss. She begins to drift away from her husband, and their marriage is destroyed. Without so many key figures in her life, Strayed spirals into a depression, overcome by grief. Unable to fight it, she gives in to the grief, and it consumes her. Her sadness is so absolute and so overwhelming that Strayed doubts she will ever be happy again.
In a desperate attempt to escape her grief, she decides to hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). For 1,100 miles, Strayed hikes away from her pain. The death of her mother and the pain that comes with it are not easy to overcome, but she refuses to give into her depression again. She hikes relentlessly, determined to leave behind her sorrow. Though it would be much easier to do nothing, she pushes herself, and is able to experience the therapeutic nature of the great outdoors. When she enters the trail, her ultimate goal is to loose herself in the wilderness and escape from her harsh reality. Instead of loosing herself, however, she is able to find herself, and she realizes whom she is meant to be. Her determination to get better, and to overcome her grief, teaches her many things, and ultimately leads to her success. Because of her determination, she realizes that she “hadn’t shed a single tear” (92) since she began her hike. Though the death of her mother is extremely devastating and seemingly impossible to overcome, she is able to expel her grief. Through determination and perseverance, she is able to conquer her depression.
As well as the mental challenges associated with dealing with her mother’s death, Strayed faces many physical obstacles on the trail. First and foremost, she is faced with the enormous weight of her pack. She overstuffs a large backpack, which she affectionately calls “monster.” This causes severe chafing on her shoulders, hips, and back. Her boots are a size too small, which leads to serious blisters, and the loss of several toenails. Strayed even kept score, toenails that stayed on her feet versus toenails the trail took. By the end of her hike, “the score was 4-6, advantage trail” (307). She is faced with severe dehydration during a stretch in the desert. She is faced with steep, snow filled; ice covered mountain passes, and dangerous rockslides. She is faced with the danger of bear and wolf attacks, snakebites, and insect bites. On top of the danger and difficulty these present, she is completely alone.
Just like with her mental struggles, Strayed realizes that no problem is too great to overcome. Whether it is struggling with her mental stability or physically surviving on the trail, she is able to surmount it all. She refuses to give up, refuses to admit defeat. Though the trail is throwing every possible obstacle her way, she will never give up. She faces many things that could lead to her death, but she refuses to let them get the best of her. At first, the physical challenges and obstacles she meets on the trail seem too difficult to overcome. Through determination and the refusal to give up, she is able to come up with solutions to nearly every challenge she faces. She carries a whistle with her, “so as not to take the refrigerator-sized whatever sort of bear it was by surprise” (91). She packs extra water, orders a larger pair of shoes, empties contents from her pack, and acquires a trekking pole to help her across the snow. She is determined to beat the hardships she faces on the trail, no matter how impossible they may seem. This determination to succeed guides her safely through the trail. When she finishes her hike, she is safe, healthy, and physically fit, having conquered every danger she faced.
Whether faced with mental or physical obstacles, nothing is too great to overcome. No matter the gravity of the situation or the severity of the problem, perseverance will prevail. Determination to triumph over the situation at hand will lead to success. Cheryl Strayed faces many difficulties, both mental and physical. Through perseverance and determination, she overcomes many obstacles that seem impossible to pass. She is able to emerge from depression and conquer the wilderness, two very difficult and dangerous tasks. When faced with adversity, she does not wither, and does not hide. She faces the problems head on, and is determined to succeed. With that attitude, she is able to overcome every tragedy and obstacle she encounters. As shown by Cheryl Strayed, through dedication and perseverance, no problem is too great to overcome.

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