Anne Frank by Anne frank | Teen Ink

Anne Frank by Anne frank

September 9, 2015
By Isaacgoogle BRONZE, Sumerco, West Virginia
Isaacgoogle BRONZE, Sumerco, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Work Smart not hard

Although being written by a young girl, the actual writing style itself was very good, especially for someone her age. The contents of the book however, were… not the best. The reason the book Anne Frank was published was more for the history behind the plot, than anything else. Personally, I read an extended version of the book that contained more of Anne Franks deeper emotions than the original. Honestly, I could have done without it.
The setting of the book was around, and during the time of World War 2, just as violence against Jews in Germany was escalating. The book is really just exerts from the actual diary of Anne Frank. As violence escalated, her family goes into hiding. After that, most of the entrees are just about everyday life in hiding. This is interesting at first, but gets boring quick. The most interesting parts after that, were mainly when she talked about airstrikes and robberies.
Honestly, the only reason, I gave this 4 stars instead of 3, was historic value. As someone who was looking for an interesting and exciting read, I found it disappointing to say the least. Although, if you’re looking for something to teach you about World War 2, and how it affected people, this is a great read. So, if you’re looking for entertainment, I would just move on to a different book.
To conclude, I really do think that everyone should read this book at least once in their life. No matter how boring it is, the message in this book is too powerful and important to just completely ignore. Although I was bored most of the time, I was also touched by how blessed I really am. I feel like others should get the chance to receive the same message I did.

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