The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles | Teen Ink

The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles

May 24, 2008
By Anonymous

Edwards, Julie Andrews. (1974). "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles." New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.

In "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles," three children and a professor go on a quest for a mythical creature. The story starts as Ben, Tom, and Lindy Potter run into a strange man named Professor Savant. Professor Savant introduces the children to his dream-to meet "a humorous, mythical creature of fanciful and undefined nature," as the dictionary describes him. The Potters also learn about the professor's archenemy, who is trying to keep everyone from reaching the aforementioned Whangdoodle. His name is Prock.
As Prof. Savant tells the children of this creature, the more they learn, the more they want to meet him. After much training, he thinks they are ready to try. Their first real search in Whangdoodleland results in finding and meeting the Whangdoodle, and well as creating and marrying a suitable spouse for the Whangdoodle.
Some possible themes for this book are determination, courage, and relationships. Determination is displayed frequently, especially when Professor Savant is determined to have at least the children meet and visit the target of his dreams, the Whangdoodle himself. In addition, courage is used when Lindy is afraid to seriously search for that Whangdoodle after reaching Whangdoodleland and not enjoying her visit. Professor Savant acquires relationships with the children, the Prock, and the Whangdoodle.
I specifically recommend this book to people with an immense capacity for creativity and imagination. Ignore the age suggestion on the back of the book and pick it up for a truly good, imaginative read. This book, "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles," has expanded my perspective and thought greatly. Read this book and you, no matter what age, will not regret this use of time.
The genre of this book is set in realistic fiction, but holds a fantasized plot. I would give this book an eight out of ten because it was an exceptional use of my time, although definitely not a new favorite.


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