The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien | Teen Ink

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

March 24, 2015
By the_king_14 BRONZE, Fairmont, West Virginia
the_king_14 BRONZE, Fairmont, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     It was a peaceful day for Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit, when he was outside smoking his pipe. Just then, the magical wizard, Gandalf appeared and Bilbo’s world got a little more interesting. Usually Bilbo or any other hobbit ate six meals a day and stayed inside their hobbit hole. Instead of staying in his hobbit hole, Bilbo was getting asked and persuaded to help out on an adventure. Next thing you know, thirteen dwarves are in his house and explaining the plans for the adventure. Thorin, the leader, is trying to get his kingdom and treasure back that Smaug, the viscous dragon, took from his grandfather.
     The Tookish side eventually did come out of Bilbo and he joined the company on their mission. The adventure, by all means isn’t easy because the company has to go through some tough enemies to get to the mountain. First it’s trolls, then goblin, wolfs, goblins again, spiders, and elves. Luckily though, the company had some allies including Elrond’s elves, eagles, Lakes men, Beorn, and they always had the help of Gandalf. Bilbo also get to meet a small, dark, slimy creature named Gollum. Will the company get to the mountain or will they die trying? Will Smaug get defeated and Thorin get his family’s possessions back, or will Smaug always rule the kingdom under the mountain?
     If you are into adventures, then The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is the right book for you. This is one of the best books I have read, by far, because there is always something going on in this book from trying to get treasure, to meeting interesting characters, to fighting goblins. This is a 5 star book in my opinion and it has my full recommendation for anyone to read.
     This book was a great book and I loved reading every page of it. The Hobbit really does put the reader in the adventure that the company is on. If you ever see this on a self, I recommend that you buy it because it is an amazing book and it’s something to do. I’m positive that anyone can read this book, understand it, and enjoy it. I can assure that this is a good way to spend the extra cash that you have laying around.           

The author's comments:

     I did this review because my class read The Hobbit together and I really enjoyed this book. I want to help this book reach other people becasue this truely is a great all around book.

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