Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows | Teen Ink

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

May 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Have you ever wanted to live in a fantasy land, one where almost anything is possible? This is the world that exists for the characters in J.K. Rowling's book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The characters experience some difficulties that we may face, such as knowing what you have to do, but not knowing how to do it. They also face other challenges which we do not face, such as a wand that isn't performing well because you didn't win it. The book shows themes of friendship and learning through the characters and their actions as they progress throughout the book. In addition, the book also has unique settings as seen through the eyes of the characters and the narrator.

The plot in this book has many interesting twists that keep people hooked to it. One of these twists is shown in the following quote. “'But how did they find us?' Hermione asked, looking from one inert man to the other. 'How did they know where we were?'” This quote was taken from page 168, right after two Death Eaters tried to kill Ron and Hermione. The book follows Ron, Harry, and Hermione covering up their tracks in a manner that readers believe is an extremely intense manner. These twists in the plot teach the characters lessons as they learn from their mistakes.

The setting of this fantasy book is actually pretty believable. J.K. Rowling uses real places and mixes them in to imaginary locations that combine nicely. The book has settings in real places such as London and Kings Cross Station. Also, the book has many imaginary places like Gringots Bank, an imaginary goblin bank, and Hogwarts, an imaginary school for witches and wizards. These settings combine to provide the characters with just enough peace, action, and bewilderment.

The author puts great detail into describing the character's looks, actions, and feelings both directly and indirectly. J.K. Rowling portrays Hermione as a medium risk-taking smart aleck. She thinks she knows everything, as seen in the following quote found on page 401. “… it's an Erumphant horn! It's a Class B Tradable Material and it is extremely dangerous thing to have in the house!” It turns out that in this case, the person should have listened, because when a spell hit the horn, it exploded. Ron on the other hand, is the exact opposite. He is extremely cautious and is not the smartest of the bunch. Also, he questions or gets angered every time some someone makes a decision for him, as seen in this quote which Ron says right after Hermione saves him and Harry. “Are-you-mental?” Finally, Harry is seen as a person who is dedicated to complete something once he has started it. This is why Dumbledore entrusted him with destroying the horcruxes in the first place. “What are you doing, what are you doing, the door is that way?” This quote by Ron shows that Harry is risking his life to complete the task assigned to him.

This book has many themes, but two of these occur the most. The themes tie the whole story together giving it a sense of reality. Even through rough and bumpy times, friendship prevails. This is expressed when the group of three are about to split up towards the middle of the book, but in the end, Ron and Hermione are the first ones to rush over to see if Harry is hurt when Hagrid carries Harry back to the school. Education wise, you should learn as much as you can before you go out into the world to lead a productive life. This theme is expressed when the group of three learned more about the horcruxes and how to destroy them before Dumbledore died.

From these examples, we see the unique setting and the lessons about life from the examples that the author conveys to us through the characters and their actions. The effect of this book on its readers can be powerful as the author immerses us into the story using excellent descriptions and great dialect. My recommendation is that this is a book that will captivate its audiences so set enough time out of your schedule to read it.


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