Mockingjay Book and Movie Review | Teen Ink

Mockingjay Book and Movie Review

December 10, 2014
By Anonymous

“My name is Katniss Everdeen. Why am I not dead? I should be dead.” Her name is Katniss Everdeen, also known as the face of rebellion. Her home, District 12, is completely covered in ashes and the deceased bodies of those people who fought for their lives. She now lives in District 13 with only more than half of the people of 12. Peeta was captured by the capitol to be used for bait. Peeta has been hi-jacked from tracker jacker venom and almost killed Katniss. I think the movie was better. One reason I like it better was because I didn’t read it. The movie just showed it to me. Second reason I like it was because it gave me more detail than in the book.

One difference in the book was Coin. I thought Coin would be a younger and had blonde hair. In the movie she was an older and she had grey hair. I think that made Coin look more mature. Also another difference was the fight at 8. When gale and katniss were shooting at the aircrafts, the book didn’t say it was shooting at them. The movie gave detail and showed that the aircrafts were shooting at them. This gave the movie more detail. I liked that part better than in the book. The last difference I saw was that Cressida had half of hair shaved off. It also had tattoos on it. I think I would make her have full head of hair. I think the ending was good. It left me thinking what will happen next.

I think the movie was better. It had more action than the book. It gave me more details than I read in the book. Another reason was I didn’t have to read. My peers should read the book up the half of Part 2. I think thats were it ended. They should do this because it wouldn’t spoil Part 2 for them.

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