Misery by Stephen King | Teen Ink

Misery by Stephen King

May 1, 2014
By matthew dishner BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
matthew dishner BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Handful of Misery

The book Misery written by Stephen King is a thriller that contains suspense and other materials that will keep you wanting to read more and more. Paul Sheldon is an award winning writer whose books have been greatly revered. Sheldon is on his way to write his new series when he gets in a car accident in a snow storm, but luckily he is saved by a woman by the name of Annie Wilkes. Unfortunately, Paul Sheldon broke his legs and has to be treated but this will not be any ordinary treatment by his number one fan. She starts to torture him after finding out he killed off her favorite character, now Paul has to do anything to survive this crazed fan.

There are numerous things that Stephen King perfects while telling us this story of Paul Sheldon. The yardstick that Mr. King does a good job at is clarifying. Clarifying can be describe as making the story understandable for the reader in which they do not get confused when it comes to the setting, characters or anything throughout the book. King does a great at clarifying when it comes to Paul Sheldon getting his finger or foot cut off and the words he uses to describe it give you a picture in your head. Being held hostage is a situation that is a reflection of real life. Mr. King does an outstanding job at making this situation that Mr. Sheldon is in realistic in which he has to do everything he can to survive. Throughout the world there are people who are stuck in these situations, for example prisoners of war have to stay strong and survive until they are rescued.

Stephen King is a phenomonal writer when it comes to books that involve violence or just plain old spooky things. The way he clarifies makes it easier for the readers to understand and how he reflects on real life forces the reader to put theirself in Paul Sheldon’s shoes. I personally thought this was a great read and I reccomend it to anyone who is looking for a thriller that will keep them on the edge of their seat the entire time.


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