Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo | Teen Ink

Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Dear Todd Burpo,

a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.

Before reading Heaven is for Real, I never knew how to depict my vision of heaven. Growing up in the Catholic faith, I have been taught the readings of the Bible and the importance of the Holy Trinity, but I could never grasp the thought of heaven. After reading your book, I was inspired by your family’s story and how it was similar to my story.
In the book you stated to Colton, “You said you went to heaven. People have to die to go to heaven.” Colton’s gaze didn’t waver. “Well, okay then, I died. But just for a little bit” (79, Burpo). When Colton was going through these medical issues, they were urgent and life changing. In a few days, you went from a vacations to sleeping next to your son in a hospital. He went to Heaven and came back during his surgery, remarkably. There is a clear reason as to why he survived and I think it was to spread your story. This is meaningful to me because I could relate. My cousin Christopher, at age 7, was on a family vacation in Disney World. He began to complain about pain in his legs from walking. As normal parents would think, my Aunt and Uncle said it was simply growing pains, or tiredness. The following day Christopher became very sick, vomiting which made them leave early and return home. After several doctor visits, he was diagnosed with medulloblastoma cancer, or childhood cancer that started in his brain and spread to his bone marrow. About 18 months later, his battle was over and there is no doubt that he went to heaven that summer day. If I had not read this book, I would not be so confident about how Christopher is doing in heaven. Surely, I am not the only one who was moved by your story. Colton’s miracle was intended by God.
Colton said it himself, “In heaven, Dad. That’s where all the rainbow colors are,” (63, Burpo). Colton experienced heaven and miraculously came back to tell us about it. He told about the angels singing, the people he met, and the unbelievable sights. How there were mountains of clouds, colors never seen before, and joy that filled the air. It mostly amazed me how Colton had such a positive attitude through it all. He experience more than most adults at the age of four, similar to Christopher’s young age of seven. Just like Colton, Christopher always had the most energy and curiosity of all the other kids. Being that they are so similar, I can let my mind be at peace. I know that Heaven is the place of eternal happiness and that he is better off up there. For a while, his loved ones became selfish by wishing that he hadn’t left us. Naturally many were sad at first, but now we need to realize the suffering he endured on earth and how he is reconciled in Heaven. Colton’s living proof of heaven gives us hope about what is beyond those thunderstorms, sunsets, and cloudy skies.
This book showed me this new world I could not imagine before through my times of sorrow. My vision of heaven given to me by reading Heaven is for Real has brought me peace and excitement. I strive to become a better person so one day I can join Christopher. Clearly your work has touched me and many other readers, so thank you.



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