The Red Pony by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

The Red Pony by John Steinbeck

November 22, 2013
By Burnette BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
Burnette BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Title of review: The Pony Story
Number of stars (1 to 5): 3 out of 5 Stars.

The Beginning of the story is starts off with the following characters, Jody, Billy Buck, Carl Tiflin, and Mrs. Tiflin. The Story begins really well and it was set in California in the 1930’s. The little boy, Jody, wanted a little red pony; he worked his hardest, and tried harder to get the horse. He gets his horse, or pony. Then he worries about it a lot. Well one day it was supposed to rain he asked Billy Buck if he could put the pony in the stalls if it started raining. Well it starts raining while Jody was at school, he gets very worried. Then he came home and the horse was not in the stall, and it was getting sick. He cares for the horse a lot; he leaves the pony to Billy Buck to save. The Pony died, Jody was very sad and at the same time mad. So Jody furiously kills a vulture.
Description and summary of content
The Story was excellent. It was an exciting story, the pony died then later Jody works for one whole year, just for a new pony. Billy Buck had to smash a hammer across the mother horses head to kill her, just to cut her stomach so they could get the pony out of her. Well the little pony is healthy. Later on Billy Buck says, I told you I’d get your pony to you. The pony was so far, doing well, and also in good condition.
I give it three stars, because it was an interesting story, something I’ve never read before. It was a great story because, “The Great Mountains” where the old man wanted to die from where he grown up from. They made him work for a while if he wanted to die on their land. Later on he left to go die somewhere, were he could enjoy it. Hearing that Billy Buck smashed the hammer into the mother pony’s head, got the story going it was a sad thing to hear, but it was also great story.
The story a came together well, because Jody finally got his pony. He also did some killing which is something a little kid would do. He did a lot of working for the horse. Jody was a great kid he loved hearing interesting things. He also liked to hear Grandpa’s stories which would be boring to Carl Tiflin, and Billy Buck.

The author's comments:
I htink i wrote this review good

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