The Red Pony by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

The Red Pony by John Steinbeck

November 22, 2013
By alexm23 BRONZE, Princeston, West Virginia
alexm23 BRONZE, Princeston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Book Review
Book title and author: The Red Pony, John Steinbeck
Title of review: (The Red Pony review)

Number of stars (1 to 5):

“The Red Pony” was a great story. I loved reading the four short stories. The first one was “The Gift”. The second one was “The Great Mountains”. The third one was “The Promise”. The fourth one was the “The Leader of The People”. John Steinbeck was an amazing author but I don’t think I liked this as much as some of his others.
Descriptionandsummary of content
I liked the first short story “The Gift” started off with a boy named Jody and his Dad Mr. Carl and Billy Buck their farm hands gave Jody a little red pony and Jody was taking very good care of it. At the end of the first story the little red pony had something terribly happen. The second short story was “The Great Mountains” started off with a man named Gitano coming and wanting to live with the family until he died because in his tradition he believed in dying where he was born. The third story was “The Promise” in this story Billy Buck and Carl started talking about giving Jody another pony by breading. When Jody found out he could get another pony he took advantage of it and promised to do all his chores on time without being told. In the fourth was “The Leader of The People” Carl got a letter that his wife’s dad was coming he was always telling stories that Carl didn’t like. Something happened.
In the end this story was not a challenging book to read. The best I thought was the “Leader of The People”. It was a really good book and easy to read. It also showed how families can get together.
In my conclusion I liked this book and the life lessons it taught me. It taught me that different personalities can get along. Over all this was a very good book.

The author's comments:
This is for school but iliked it myself

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