The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

October 28, 2013
By ashley_marano BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
ashley_marano BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book, The Fault in Our Stars, was written by John Green. He is an award winning, New York Times best-selling author. He won the Printz Medal, Printz Honor, and Edgar award which is only a few of many. John has a brother, Hank, and they created a YouTube channel together called The Vlog Brothers. It is one of the most popular online video projects in the world.

The Fault in Our Stars has two main characters whose names are Hazel and Augustus. They both are taking a long break from school because they have cancer. Augustus has osteosarcoma and Hazel has lung cancer, but Augustus also has a prosthetic leg. The setting is present day, in the winter but they end up taking a journey to Amsterdam. Augustus and hazel wanted to meet the writer of their favorite book who happened to live in Amsterdam.

Hazel and Augustus met in a support group. Augustus didn’t go for himself; he went for his friend, Isaac. Isaac eventually had to go blind because of his cancer. After support group, Hazel went to Augustus’ house and watched a movie with him and that’s how everything got started for them. Meanwhile, Isaac was dating a girl named, Monica, and they always told each other they were going to be together forever. Hazel and Augustus both started reading a book called, An Imperial Affliction. The book ended with a cliff hanger so Augustus called the author and arranged a meeting. While Hazel and Augustus were on their journey in Amsterdam, they went on a romantic picnic together. Hazel would always kind of laugh it off when Augustus told her he loved her but one day, she finally said it back.

The theme of The Fault in Our Stars is you can never be too nice or loving to someone because they could be gone in an instant. I think the author’s tone of this book was happy and sad. I was so happy when Augustus and Hazel finally kissed and when they would spend time together. I was sad and upset when I found out what happened at the end. I never thought that would be the ending to this book, but sadly it was.

Some things I left out were how Hazel always thought it was funny how Augustus “smoked” unlit cigarettes. In the middle of the night one night, Augustus was having G-tube problems so Hazel came and helped him. Also, when they were in Amsterdam, the author was nice to Augustus but kind of mean to Hazel. He took Augustus’ request and not Hazel’s about a meeting.

Overall, the book was amazing! It almost made me want to be more loving and caring towards people. The ending was sad, but there were happy parts also. I liked the part when Hazel went on a picnic with Augustus and she had to carry around her oxygen tank with her. I think they were both perfect for each other in their own way.


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