raiders night by robert Lipsyte | Teen Ink

raiders night by robert Lipsyte

October 21, 2013
By marcus Lara BRONZE, Trumbull, Connecticut
marcus Lara BRONZE, Trumbull, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An Accurate view on the struggles in high school,Raiders Night is a good choice for all ages. Robert Lypste shows his best work in this novel about the Nearmont High School football team. Based on experiences he had growing up, Lypste unites the usual football and steroid stereotypes with an alarming situation that compromises everything.

The novel starts with Matt the main character, working out for the upcoming high school season. He debates on taking steroids and ends up falling into the trap. His friends Brian and Shawn convince him that it is essential for a successful season.
He laughed at that. "if you don't call steroids drugs and Vicodin drugs. For starters.” Why was he telling her this?
“Isn't that dangerous, the steroids?”
“Not if you're careful. I got somebody helping me, knows what he is doing. Steroids are healing drugs. I can work out harder and repair muscle faster.” He’d never talked so freely to a girl before. It felt good. “it’s not like i'm doing coke or crank. These are prescription drugs.”
“What about the side effects?”
“You gotta pay the price if you want to make it”
“Make it?”
“Division one. Maybe the pros.” Definitely the pros but you don't want to jinx it.
Matt the captain of his football gets peer pressured into taking steroids. He wants to win the state title this year to show his dad and coach that he is a real football player. As you continue to read, the pressures Matt face start to alter his choices and what he is like. Matt has a chance to go pro and be a famous player but something happens. He gets involved in a hazing routine in the locker room that goes completely wrong. As the team captain, Matt does nothing to stop it and faces the consequences. Matt has a huge decision to make. To give up and tell on his teammates or to keep quiet and jeopardize his future.

This book is great read for anyone looking for a different sports story. Lypste includes many themes that keep the reader interested. The story is exciting to say the least and always keeps you on your toes. Chapters are little dramatic and repetitive, but are set up in different perspectives to switch it up. I would give this book a solid four out of five for its creative storyline and unique ending.

Robert Lypste is no stranger to writing sports stories and does an excellent job writing this one. I will continue to read his books and look forward to seeing his same writing styles that he debuted in Raiders Night.


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