Sappique by Catherine Fisher | Teen Ink

Sappique by Catherine Fisher

May 3, 2013
By Connor Bauer BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Connor Bauer BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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I read the book Sappique by Catherine Fisher and it was one of the best books I have read in my eighteen years. I am a student that absolutely despises reading and will do anything to avoid it, but what Catherine Fisher did in this book was amazing. It kept you wondering what would happen next and as soon as you thing you know where it is going they take it in a total different direction. The clarity of this book was really a huge part of why I like this book as much as I do. Catherine fisher depicts a beautiful picture using words and vocab that kids are age can easily understand. She continues this throughout her book and it allows a not as strong reader like me to enjoy a book like this. It really showed me that reading can be fun and enjoyable and that it is not always a grinding project that you are only bearing because you want to get a good grade on the test. Along with that for the most part it was so complex and tricky that you would have to read a chapter once or twice to be able to understand. Do not get me wrong she does add some scenes that leave you in awe, but she does it in a way that is easy to understand and is clear in the event that occurs. Now on the other hand reading the first book Incarceron is a necessary. The book picks up right where the last book left off and Catherine Fisher doesn’t really explain or go into detail the characters she just infers that you remember them from the last book. Along with that without prior knowledge the plot line and some of the issues and choices the characters make will leave you confused if you do not have the prior knowledge from the last book. My next point has to do with the escape from reality. I am a person that loves the middle ages, magic and old fashion bows and swords. This book was a perfect escape for me, as I said I despise reading but this book intrigued me so much that I finished all 400 and some pages in the spend of about 5 days and for me as a slow reader that’s a pretty big deal. This book involves the classic protagonist hero conquers the evil enemy against all odds but did it in a way that it was not something you predicted from the start of the book. Along with that the plot is very fast moving and somewhat humorous at some parts and if you are like me and get bored really easily this is the book for you. All and all I thought this was a beautifully written book and Catherine Fisher deserves every bit of praise that she has been awarded for this true masterpiece.

The author's comments:
This is a review on a book i read.

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