Day of iguana by hank zipzer | Teen Ink

Day of iguana by hank zipzer

January 8, 2013
By tyree smith BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
tyree smith BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book is mostly about this major underachiever who’s in middle school, and has a science project. He has know idea what he is going to do. He gets a plan and it goes all the way bad for him and his friends. In my opinion the book is pretty boring but a little bit in the third chapter it starts to get more adventurous. I believe the author’s purpose of this book was to get the reader to know that you need to plan ahead on a science project. The book Day of the Iguana is a very good book that lots of people would like.
I believe the book was an all-around awesome book, for the simple fact, the author was a great writer. I think a lot of little kids and someone older would even like this book. It is a very adventurous book with a lot of problem solving brain busters inside. That is what gets most readers hooked inside of the book.
The book made me realize that I need to be more organized for people my age and even older or younger. It also teaches people what to do in the future. It even also teaches you to be more thoughtful of your school education because, you will need it in the future. That is why Day of the Iguana is a very, very, very great book.

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