The Girl that Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King | Teen Ink

The Girl that Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King

December 20, 2012
By Cececiera BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Cececiera BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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The girl that Loved Tom Gordon
By: Stephen King
Reviewed by: Ciera W.

When I first thought about reading, The Girl that Loved Tom Gordon, I was hesitant. I wasn't sure if it was going to be one of the books that disappoints you. I made sure, when I was reading the first couple of pages, that I pay attention to the details. It started off with a 9 year old girl, Patricia McFarland, who is going through some family troubles. Her mom and dad are separated, and her older brother and mom are continuously arguing. Patricia, her mom, and brother, all had moved. Her older brother didn't agree with the moving and that is why he is always arguing with mom. Trisha (Patricia) is just trying to get the days without losing her mind.
Trisha, her mom, and brother all went on a family hike. At first as they began walking, it was peaceful and no one was arguing. Then after about 5 minutes her mom and brother began to argue again. Trisha couldn't take it any more. She then said," I have to go to the bathroom." Trisha repeated herself many times but no one could hear over the loud powerful voices of the argument. She then decided to walk off the trail and go to the bathroom. She didn't really think it through, because after she was done she didn't know where she was. She realized that she was LOST in the woods.
As I finished this chapter, I was immediately hooked. I didn't want to put the book down.It definitely tell caught my attention and if you were to read this, you would be glued too. There are many moments in this book that make you want to bite your nails, throw your book down, or you want to look around to see if anyone or anything is watching you.
Even though this book is amazing, there are some things that I wish the author could have done differently. I wish there could have been some more life risking moments throughout the book. Also, I feel some events in the book could have had more detail. Overall, I highly recommend this book.

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