Thirteen Reasons why by Jay Asher | Teen Ink

Thirteen Reasons why by Jay Asher

September 19, 2012
By Meghan smith BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
Meghan smith BRONZE, Oxford, Massachusetts
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In life, and in some works of literature, a person is affected by the actions of the people around then. In the novel Thirteen Reason Why by Jay Asher, a girl kills herself because of the action of people around her. The theme of the book is actions of others can affect a person's life more than expected.
The novel Thirteen Reasons Why is about a girl who kills herself because of the actions of the people around her. Hannah, the girl who commits suicide, sent out a set of thirteen cassette tapes to thirteen people. The tapes were sent to the people who she thought helped her come to the conclusion of killing herself. Each tape has a different person's story about what they to Hannah. Each person must listen to all of the tapes and then send it to the next person on the next tape. Before Hannah killed herself she sent out and anonymous letter with a map on it that showed all the places she thought were special or important for and the people on the tape.
The novel was an interesting book to read because it kept the reader engaged. The author describes an intense subject of Suicide well. The book was well written, it kept the reader wanting to read more and not put the book down. This novel is for someone who likes suspense because you want to find out what happens on the next tape.


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