A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith | Teen Ink

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith MAG

December 15, 2011
By snowybutterfly DIAMOND, Fremont, California
snowybutterfly DIAMOND, Fremont, California
59 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gold teeth, Grey Goose, tripping in the bathroom, blood stains, ball gowns, trashing the hotel room, we don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams --Lorde

I was introduced to the classic A Tree Grows in Brooklyn when I was 11. I was quite a prodigious reader for my age, but I doubt that I'd have stuck with it if I'd actually been reading it. However, my mom purchased the audiobook, narrated by Anna Fields, and we listened to it in the car. It's best taken in large doses in order to notice the understated humor and pre-referencing, but the author includes just enough condensed summary to keep her inconsistent readers up-to-date.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn needs a patient and sensitive reader. It begins in 1902 and follows Mary Frances Nolan, or Francie, through the slums of Williamsburg in Brooklyn. The book is narrated in the third person, but we get frequent peeks into the minds of Francie's parents, her brother Neeley, and those they encounter.

It could be described as a coming-of-age story, but that phrase is overused. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn doesn't just illustrate Francie's coming-of-age, but also her mother's childhood, her childhood, her brother's birth, her first kiss, and her father's death. Betty Smith tells of Francie's world with sincerity, clarity, and objectivity, without any wavering at her protagonist's tears or broken dreams.

In one of the most poignant and subtle metaphors I've seen, the author suggests a parallel between Francie and the irrepressible tree that sprouts up in all Brooklyn tenements: The Tree of Heaven. Without saying, “Francie was like a tree: small, delicate, but unbreakable,” Smith opens the book with a description of the Tree of Heaven, slipping in images of the tree's growth over the years.

Each time the Nolans move to a new home, the tree is included in meticulous (but never tedious) description. In one tenement, the tree grows up and overshadows the Nolans' balcony, providing book-devouring Francie with a private, shady retreat in which to read, savor precious peppermint candy, and spin tales of the people passing below. She often watches from her balustrade as older neighbor girls prepare for dates, taking delight in watching their intimate rituals.

The story closes as Francie, who is preparing for her own date, looks out the window and sees her young neighbor seated on a balcony with a book in her lap and a bag of candy by her side, watching Francie in the dim light.

Although A Tree Grows in Brooklyn contains some material unsuitable for younger readers, the unflinchingly honest narrative and Francie's reaction to the events subdue the more mature aspects of the book. I'd recommend it for ages 12 and up, although the audiobook will hook younger readers who are ready for the content.


This article has 5 comments.

on Oct. 7 2012 at 4:00 pm
snowybutterfly DIAMOND, Fremont, California
59 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Gold teeth, Grey Goose, tripping in the bathroom, blood stains, ball gowns, trashing the hotel room, we don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams --Lorde

thanks everyone :)

on Sep. 15 2012 at 7:58 pm
DifferentTeen PLATINUM, Seaford, Delaware
32 articles 2 photos 329 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There’s no such thing as true love, just spurts of insanity—falling over and over again, thinking that won’t happen to me"

Oh wow. When I saw this on the home page, I just had to click on it. I read this book last year for a book project, people had told me I wouldn't like it, that it was old fashioned. And honestly the only reason I picked it was because it was about Brooklyn, and I was born in Staten Island. But it was so much more than that to me. I could relate to this book in so many fantastic ways, especially in the morals my mother has taught me.   My favorite parts of the book were when Francie had planned on reading all the books in the library when she was younger, when Francie didn't smile back at Johanna after the neighborhood women stoned her, when Francie got her first paycheck, and when Francie decided to make a tin-can bank with Nolan to buy Christmas presents for Mama and Laurie.

AshleyLove:) said...
on Jun. 19 2012 at 3:06 pm
I loved this one because i can relate to it good job:)

KatsK DIAMOND said...
on Jun. 1 2012 at 12:55 pm
KatsK DIAMOND, Saint Paul, Minnesota
57 articles 0 photos 301 comments

Favorite Quote:
Being inexhaustible, life and nature are a constant stimulus for a creative mind.<br /> ~Hans Hofmann<br /> You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.<br /> ~Ray Bradbury

I read it recently, and I really liked it. I'm glad to see that you did, as well.

on Jun. 1 2012 at 7:00 am
mindless_dreaming BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;May make my heart as a millstone, set my face as a flint, Cheat and be cheated, and die: who knows? We are ashes and we are dust.&quot; -Alfred, Lord Tennyson, &#039;Maud&#039;

So funny because I'm taking a test on this book next period... I agree with what you say about best taken in large doses! really good article!