White Fang by Jack London | Teen Ink

White Fang by Jack London

November 3, 2011
By Anonymous

White Fang
By Jack London, Simon Brown, 2010, 208pp., $7.50,
ISBN 1936041650

Can you imagine how hard life would if the law of the land was “eat or be eaten”?
That’s how it is for a young wolf in White Fang by Jack london. This book tells how the wolf depends on his mother to survive and how he begins to hunt. It tells what happens when he and his mother are captured by Indians. Many other interesting things happen to him.

This book gives an amazing account of the wolf’s life in a third person point of view. It has vivid descriptions so you feel like you are there. The book shows what the wolf thinks in the situations he gets in. The thoughts seem so possible that it feels like you are the wolf in the book. The characters were very realistic. None of them stayed the same throughout the book. Many characters learned lessons, espacially the wolf. It was amazing to see how the wolf reacted differently throughout the book because of the lessons he had learned. This was one of the best books I have read and I would recommend this book to anyone who likes reading.


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