Shadow of the Hegemon by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Shadow of the Hegemon by Orson Scott Card

February 15, 2011
By Anonymous

After the second and final bugger war has ended, and all of the battle school students were sent back to earth, the world is in peril. Shadow of the Hegemon by Orson Scott Card is the third book in the Ender's Game series. This book is about a boy named Bean and how he tries to save one of his friends from an evil psychopath who want to rule the world. Bean is in hiding from Achilles, the psychopath killer who has his friend Petra, who is trying to kill him and his friend Sister Carlotta, a nun. The only way to prevent Achilles from ruling the world, is to kill him.

The author does an amazing of in using political reference to predict the events of the world in about 100 years in the future. After Achilles escapes prison, he manages to get power in the Russian government while sabotaging it at the same time. Nobody in Russia knows that he is a psychopath killer and that he is secretly planning the fall of Russia by getting contacts in India and China while working for Russia. After he is exposed he kills two men and escapes to Hyderabad in India where he already has a military position waiting for him. He immediately makes a peace treaty with Pakistan and he takes the Indian army and makes a plan to attack Burma to gain control of Burma and Thailand. What the Indian government doesn't know is that Achilles is also working for China to attack India from the north where there are no soldiers since all of them are in Burma fighting against the Thai.

Bean actually is in Thailand at a high military position helping the Thai to suppress the Indian army. While in Thailand, Bean predicts that Achilles is using India to get more contacts in China and to eventually bring India under the rule of the Chinese. Petra on the other hand is also in Hyderabad with Achilles because she is his prisoner. She tries to escape by telling a fellow battle school graduate about how she was held captive and needed help. The other battle school grad escapes Hyderabad and tries to tell Bean where Petra is.

Overall I really enjoyed the book and the series thus far. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who like sci-fy fiction novels.

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