Max a Maximum Ride Novel by James Patterson | Teen Ink

Max a Maximum Ride Novel by James Patterson

April 14, 2010
By Anonymous

Maximum Ride, the book about the "Bird Kids". Yes I know it sounds like a lot of crazy talk but this is one of my favorite books. Sone to be a major motion picture (or at least that's what the press says.

Max, is the 5th book in the fanominal Maximum Ride Saga. It's about four kids; Angel (6), Nudge (10), Gazzy (8), Iggy (14), Fang (14), and last but nott least, Max (14). I know their names sound strange, but that's because they are... well, strange. They are only 98% human and that other 2%, is a bird gene. Yes, that's right they are part bird. They apear to but human, untill they whip put their 14ft wings.
In Max, the floock leaves Antarctica for Los Angeles! Life is great untill they do one last air show. Fang and Max are still not together (for now). Little do they know, that the people bellow are trying to kill them at any cost. As Fang and Max's relationship heats up, drama does too! Nudge wants her wings off and stays behind, Max's mom get's kidnapped, and the flock has to go to a school on how to survive.
I would recomend this amazing book to anyone who likes action or romance. Not to mention Sifi and fantasy. This story made me start reading. About three years ago, I put all of my books on a shelf, and let life go. Then my mom got me the first Maximum Ride book, and I read the whole Saga in one week! I have been reading other things too.
This book made my heart fly!

The author's comments:
Maximum Ride


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 26 2010 at 9:09 pm
kate-the-shrew BRONZE, McCall, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.----Will Rogers

I love the Maximum Ride series! I've read every one and can't wait until the next one comes out! Personally though, I thought that the ending of Fang was terrible. I hope James Patterson writes another book. That ending just didn't do the series justice.