The River by Gary Paulsen | Teen Ink

The River by Gary Paulsen

April 9, 2010
By MelJo BRONZE, Aurora, West Virginia
MelJo BRONZE, Aurora, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The Wild Ride Down the River
Gary Paulsen has one of the most unique ways of telling adventurous stories. The River is the sequel to Hatchet. It tells how Brian was asked to teach Derek Holtzer how to survive in the wilderness. The reason for Brian having to help Derek Holtzer to learn how to survive is because Derek wants to take notes on surviving in the wilderness and how it affects our brain. Brian is going back with Derek to where it all had happened. He was asked by three government officials, to go back and live the “Time” all over again. Brian’s mother was very uneasy about Brian going back. Brain and Derek got on the plain and was off. Brian was a little worried about the plain. Once they landed, Brian told Derek that they would not need all the supplies. Brian was thinking about the last “Time” he was here. Derek told Brian that they would at least keep the radio. Brian said fine. They were there for four days. A big storm came and brought lightning to the camp. Derek got hit by the lightning and was put into a coma. Brian built a raft. Once he finished the raft he put Derek on it and tock off. He was forced into rafters and he lost Derek and the raft. Once he woke up he went looking for the raft and Derek. After he found Derek he paddled all the way, without even knowing he did, he made it to the trading post.The River is a interesting book for young readers. Brian keeps saying on word about the first time he was in the wilderness after the plane crash he called it the “Time”. He was trying to save Derek’s life. He ran into trouble and for a long ride down a river. Brian told Derek that “they are going to the trading post”.The book as very interesting and very Gary Paulson in his books. I have read this book and told you a short little summary about it. Brian went back to the wilderness and doing it all over. He saved Derek Holtzers life and made it home.We give this book a 4 star review. And hope you enjoy reading this.

The author's comments:
This book inspired us because Brian was a caring person to take care of Derek once he came into a Coma after getting hit by Lightning.


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