Hoops by Walter Dean Myers | Teen Ink

Hoops by Walter Dean Myers

January 14, 2010
By LeviK BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
LeviK BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hoops, by Walter Dean Myers, is a powerful look at perseverance and relationships. Lonnie, the main character, is a black high school student in the ghetto part of New York City. School isn’t Lonnie’s main focus, though. His life completely revolves around basketball, a sport in which he has a great talent. Lonnie’s life changes when he joins the basketball team and meets his new coach, Cal. Cal used to be a professional basketball player, but made a few huge mistakes that ruined his career and his life. As Lonnie gets to know Cal better and better, he sees through his run-down lifestyle and realizes that Cal is a good person. They become great friends, until Cal’s past comes back to haunt him and he goes missing. One decision in the final game of basketball will change Cal and Lonnie’s lives forever.

In my opinion, this book was a great read, and well worth it. The story makes you think, and it causes deep emotion to stir within you. As I read about Lonnie’s lifestyle in the ghetto, I found myself subconsciously comparing it to my own life. It made me realize that I shouldn’t take so many things for granted. Also, I found it interesting to see how different types of people interact with others.

I would recommend this book to people ages 12-17, but it would be a good read for anyone who’s interested.


This article has 1 comment.

y0ur34j3w said...
on Apr. 16 2010 at 12:58 pm
doose anybody actually look at this site?