Friday Night Lights by H.G. Bissinger | Teen Ink

Friday Night Lights by H.G. Bissinger MAG

December 28, 2009
By Jimmy Boissy BRONZE, Plainville, Massachusetts
Jimmy Boissy BRONZE, Plainville, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“It was the first official day of practice and it marked the start of a new team, a new year, a new season, with a new rally cry scribbled madly in the backs of yearbooks and on the rear windows of cars: GOIN' TO STATE IN EIGHTY-EIGHT.”

This quote from Friday Night Lights shows the philosophy of the musty little city of Odessa, Texas. Readers learn just how important high school football is in west Texas.

Following six star seniors, H.G. Bissinger recounts the true story of Permian High School's 1988 football season through the eyes of fans, coaches, students, and players. Bissinger also describes Odessa, a town where people are segregated, the economy is plummeting, the murder rate is skyrocketing, and the school standards couldn't be lower.

But out of the darkness comes a light. Every Friday night the whole town comes to life when 20,000 fans turn out to see the boys play as only they can. In the stands you hear the school motto, “MOJO, MOJO, MOJO,” chanted into the warm night air.

This story is both thrilling and astoundingly passionate as it shows the lives that the teens of Odessa so crave. I love how the author describes the hard work the players and coaches put in every season. Several times the team must reach deep down to pull out a victory despite slim odds.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a great sports drama about how far people will go to make their dreams come true.


This article has 1 comment.

Lloyd7 said...
on May. 19 2017 at 10:49 am
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I thought this was a very good book. It was very clear, not using any long words and kept the reading simple, other than it jumped around while telling the story. When reading the book, it takes you and put you into the head of the characters at some times. It was very down to earth and shows our past, during the 1980's. It also had many moments where you would really feel for the characters in the book! For example **** breaks his leg and is placed on the bench during his senior season, while he had a D1 scholarship offer lined up. It was really sad. But overall, i would recommend this book to anybody who loves football and reading!!!