The Tragedy of Life | Teen Ink

The Tragedy of Life

January 7, 2016
By T_Few BRONZE, Winnsboro, South Carolina
T_Few BRONZE, Winnsboro, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I could never properly say goodbye

To lives that strengthened my weak wall of hope

Now shattered, causing me to up and cry

Foreknown that I cannot begin to cope

My heart is weakened by those I love

But those who sap my heart leave naught but void

You see through my facade, and take all my love

My heart is rent asunder and destroyed

This earth is changing at a constant pace

Towards a hive mind of conformity

How shall anyone relive this daft face

When no more I can choose who I want to be

Of all this tragedy laid unto my life

I shan’t change, for all I know is strife

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