Nostalgia of Friendship | Teen Ink

Nostalgia of Friendship

August 27, 2014
By Anonymous

Oh… such wonderful fun in children’s lives.

The care, the joy, and the learning with friends.

Decisions end up in a childish strife.

Messing around, teasing each other’s trends.


Shouting, screaming, insulting is common.

But deep down, still, they care for each other.

Bad memories and squabbles forgotten.

As these deep wounds can quickly recover.


But, when graduation comes, and fun ends…

Tears spew like lava from volcanoes. Sniff!

It may be the last time to make amends

Or the guilt will be like jumping off cliffs.


Ah… friendship, must bask in it while it lasts.

Or you will long for its amazing past.

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