your pain is my pain | Teen Ink

your pain is my pain

April 24, 2013
By Anonymous

Your hurtful words crushed my spirit.
You never paid attention to it.
I wish I didn’t have to hear it.
I’m the strong one but I cry for days.
I regret my evil thoughts of you the ones in all actuality would have taken your breath away.
Literally it would have killed you.
In the process making you suffer emotionally and physically.
But now I realize the truth.
Which kills you mentally.
Finding who you are gives me a better perspective of you.
Excepting your harsh words are much easier.
Knowing the truth I can see right through you.
Hatred is something we can both relate.
I understand you now
We will forgive each other one day however long it may take.

The author's comments:
This poem describes a girl who is being talked to with bad words from someone she loves and it has gotten to the point where she wants to explode, but just before that happen she realizes why that person is the way they are and she tries to work with it and deal with the pain in a different way by understanding that persons situation. All she can do is hope and pray that the relationship between them gets better.

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