Dear Future Daughter | Teen Ink

Dear Future Daughter

May 17, 2016
By carissacarin SILVER, Poplar Grove, Illinois
carissacarin SILVER, Poplar Grove, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Future Daughter,


I want you to know I love you,

more than words could ever say.

and I want you to I'm here for you,

no matter the time of day.

I want you to know you're worth more than gold,

and the key to my heart you hold.


I hope school is going good. I hope people are nice, and I hope that if anyone is bullying you, you tell me. I will be there. I remember sitting silent about my bully all of 7th grade, and it ate away at me. It caused me to do and struggle with things you will probably know considering you're my daughter. I don't want you to go through the same things I did. Never be afraid to tell me anything. I will not punish you.


If you went out and drank, tell me.

If you did drugs, tell me.

If you feel like you're not worth it, tell me.

If you want to die, tell me.

If you feel like harming yourself or someone else, tell me.


You might be afraid I am going to punish you. I promise you I will not. I hope you know that.  That is what I thought about my mom. I hope you and I have a good relationship so that way you know I'm here, I understand, and I've been through it. You can't control your demons alone. I'm willing to fight for you. Trust me, battling alone is hell. I also hope you like chocolate milkshakes as much as I did, and you love puppies and turtles. 


Most importantly, I hope I can teach you how to love yourself, it is something I was never taught. It may not seem like it is as important as an education, but it is worth a thousand times more. How are you going to care about your learning if you don't care about yourself? You won't. I watched my grades go from A+, to A-, to B+, to B-, because I didn't care about myself. I want better for you.


I love you lots,

                         -mom(written when I was 14)

The author's comments:

I can't wait to be a mother and share all of my past struggles with my daughter. 

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