rain dance | Teen Ink

rain dance

August 22, 2015
By JazmyneB SILVER, Gananoque, Other
JazmyneB SILVER, Gananoque, Other
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
*Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars*

whenever the skies turned grey,
she welcomed the clouds with open arms.
when everyone closed their windows and hid from the dampness,
she would run through her door and onto the grass
in her exposed bare feet.

when the clouds finally opened up,
and dumped buckets of rain upon the ground,
the last stragglers would find themselves a dry place to sit
and throw a worried glance at the barefoot girl
dancing in the rain.

when the thunder started to boom
and the lightning flashed across the black sky,
the people would crawl deeper beneath the safety of their blankets,
and she would just throw back her head and laugh
while keeping in beat with the music of the storm.

when the thunder and lightning started to die away,
the rain faded to a drizzle,
and the sun began to shine through the clouds,
people would cheer and carry on with their lives,
while she would walk silently back into her home.

she never understood why people
would want to wait out the storm
when it was waiting for you to run and dance in its arms
because she was lonely
and the rain was her chance to be touched.

The author's comments:

I think everyone could benefit from taking some time to dace in the rain.

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