It's Not Fair | Teen Ink

It's Not Fair

July 8, 2015
By Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Color outside the lines."

It's not fair,

How the sun shines with such beauty and warmth,

Just to be covered up by the cold, rainy clouds.

It's not fair,

How the lion has to feed on the innocent Gazelle,

Just because it's hungry and wants a snack.

It's not fair,

How the stars, so sparkling and bright,

Shine brightly, only to be outshone by the blinding street lamps.

It's not fair,

How the princess always has to be rescued and is never the hero,

Just because someone wrote it on a page in pencil or ink.

It's not fair,

How bees collect pollen to make the members of their hive fresh honey,

And suddenly it's ripped from their grasp and sold in glass jars.

It's not fair,

How the earth produces fresh & beautiful plants and animals,

Just to watch them become extinct as pollution and hunting threaten everything that ever lived on its planet.

It's not fair.

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