Screaming | Teen Ink


May 11, 2015
By baileyalice222 SILVER, Ida Grove, Iowa
baileyalice222 SILVER, Ida Grove, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

           "You aren't skinny enough!"

"No man, no worth!"

                                           "You are ugly."
My head is screaming.
I'm trying not to listen,
but I have ears that hear.

There is no escape,
escape from society.

It grabs you and sinks in its claws,
never letting go.

Dragging me down,
I bring my hands up,
but still I can hear.

I'm on my knees,
begging it please,
please go away.

But then I realize,
there is an escape,
when someone grabs my hand,
and lifts me up.

And I'm saying please,
please don't leave.

And He says, I am with you.
Jesus says those words each day.
Each day, when my head is screaming.

He holds me and says, I am with you,
and I'll never leave.

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