Four Years | Teen Ink

Four Years

May 15, 2014
By mclovee SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
mclovee SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing Gold Can Stay. - Robert Frost

I took my first step
into this new lifestyle.
They were small,
they were hesitant.
The atmosphere was strange,
and different.
I crossed my fingers and
held my breath.

Some time past.
I adjusted.
I wasn’t alone anymore.
I recall the courtyard,
always smelling of
fresh cut grass and
leaves always falling
from the trees.
Laughter, love
consumed me.
We were smiling.

The smiles faded.
They didn’t say goodbye.
I was alone again.
I recall empty rooms and
a house
without a family inside
In a flash
things can change
and they did.
So much pain

I took my last steps,
bold, nervous
out of this now
acquainted atmosphere.
Tears were shed here
memories were made here.
It’s come and gone so fast,
a time I’ll never forget.

The author's comments:
I wrote this while I was wandering around my high school campus by myself. Reminiscing the good times, as I'm a senior and I have one more day of high school left. Probably by the time that you're reading this I will have walked across the stage already.

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