The Ballad of a Young Grasshopper | Teen Ink

The Ballad of a Young Grasshopper

April 16, 2014
By CheshireGato BRONZE, Bridgewater, South Dakota
CheshireGato BRONZE, Bridgewater, South Dakota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's okay to not be okay, my dear. This is not Wonderland.

A new song starts, not familiar, but still beautiful.
Listening, melodies and harmonies dance around,
Melding into a fantasy just like mine.
Tired and sore, yet entirely blissed out,
I turn to find him, he hasn’t moved.
He’s listening, too. He knows this song.
His eyes are closed, his breath a little ragged.
I smile to myself and he mirrors the action.
A lion’s smile. He is rather content.
I did well, I think to myself. Not a hard task.
Not with him, at least. I sigh, my heart flutters.
He slowly opens his eyes, shifts his gaze to me.
The silvery moonlight turns them from summer grass,
Into crystal clear, endless forests.
But to me, they are impossible to read.
I want to explore them, to find everything.
My heart speeds up again, I can’t look away.
He has me trapped. The mix of music,
Sleepiness, and him are utterly hypnotic.
His long, slender hand slides down my neck,
Turning my face to his. My heart stops.
His soft, full lips met mine with gentility,
Not what I expect, but no complaints.
He pulls away, too soon, and smiles at me.
A smile of trust. Love, maybe.
My returning smile is shy. I don’t want to…
Read more into anything than there is.
“Have I ever told you that you are so beautiful?”
He asks so quietly, I barely hear him.
But I did, and try as hard as I could,
I can’t stifle my pained laugh. He frowned.
“I wish you would just believe me.”
I feel a single tear slide down my cheek.
He catches it with his long fingers.
“Maybe not tonight, but someday you will see.”
He smiles at me once more.
I believe he will show me, but not tonight.
He shifts himself, turning on his side,
Opening a spot perfect for me, which is good.
I’m tired, and this is where I belong.
His face nuzzles into my neck,
Silk on silk, I feel like I’m on fire.
He whispers once more while I’m still conscious.
“I think I might love you.”
And then… I woke up.

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