Where i am From | Teen Ink

Where i am From

April 8, 2014
By NicoleBoo SILVER, Murphy, North Carolina
NicoleBoo SILVER, Murphy, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If one day the SPEED kills me, do not cry because I was SMILING&quot;<br /> Paul Walker

Katie, Where are you from?
I am from a life of excitement, adrenaline rushes, tragedy, love, and regret.

Running around chasing frogs
All day in the sun
Never getting tired until daylight was running out,
Being who we little’s ones are

The sound of it was scary
Till the day I got on it
It was big; I sat down in the seat and got buckled up
Then all of a sudden
It was a big rush; it was like flying in the air
It felt magical

It was dark and I knew everything was about to change
I knew without her it was going to be hard
Things got real rough seeing all the people cry
And see all the people who cared
It was so sad but then again she would have loved to see the day
That everyone came together but over something tragic

It felt like nothing was better than to be loved
When you have someone to love you the way that this person loved me
It would feel like it was never ending
It was a good feeling
You can always rely on this one person
Because of how big their love in the heart is

You feel like you’re so tense
Like everything is goanna rush right out of you
Like you have no control of what you may feel
But regret-it leaves you stuck
Like you know what you did was wrong
Like someone knows you did that one bad thing
Like they’re are goanna get you for what you have done
It’s the worst feeling ever; it sucked the goodness out of you

I am from a life of excitement, adrenaline rush, tragedy, love, and regret.

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