A Chance | Teen Ink

A Chance

March 13, 2014
By guzzi BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
guzzi BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be who you are and do what you want to, because those who mind don&#039;t matter and those who matter don&#039;t mind.&quot;<br /> -Dr Seuss

Here in these cascading tribulations,
Of early woe and despair,
Of trials far and above,
That of the external and of those foretold,
I stand resolute,
I do not bend,
I do not flinch,
I do not cave,

Here my infant soul,
Gains the strength of ten-thousand fold,
Bolstered by the recognition,
Of its emboldened purpose,
It’s Divine Beginnings,
Identify with its perpetual longing,

My spirit reaches out,
Infinitely so beyond mortal limitations,
Lifting and carrying me,
Through endeavours abounding,
Delighting in its long-awaited revelation,
Reminiscing in its monumental discovery:

I have found the thread of my being,
The making of my existence,
The warrior within that implores me,
To advance and charge,
At an enemy nameless and faceless,

A courage so bold and unfetter’d,
It’s thunderous roar shivers down the spine,
Of any obstacle that have the futility,
To stand before and harken a challenge,

I am able to climb to the tallest mountain,
Gather the air within me,
And yell out to the attending
That I am me,
and that I am here,
waiting for the opportune instant,
to grasp ahold of universe,
for however brief,
and pen my name in the books of time.

For as long as my blood races through my veins,
And the breath of the world coarses through my body,
I am an equal,
I am a chance.

The author's comments:
This poem is about taking charge of your fate; not being held back by fear or worry.

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