A True Friend | Teen Ink

A True Friend

April 30, 2013
By Kimberly Oswald BRONZE, Monrovia, Maryland
Kimberly Oswald BRONZE, Monrovia, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I take a deep breath as I walk through the doors,
It’s the morning of my very first day.
I look around at all of the classrooms, the lockers, the people,
But I try to stay out of everybody’s way.
I wish there was someone I knew here.
Somebody I could talk to.
But it’s not easy when you move to a different school,
Where everything and everyone is new.
But then you came along.

You helped me during my loneliest time,
You were a friend to me when I had none.
You were kind and sweet and nice to me.
A new friendship had just begun.

You guided me throughout my year as a new student,
You helped me when times were tough.
You stood by my side through everything,
And I can’t thank you enough.

From all the laughter, tears, and good times we shared,
You were always there for me.
And I would just like to say,
Thank you for being the best friend you can be.

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