Flower Blossom | Teen Ink

Flower Blossom

November 10, 2010
By Twisted_Snake BRONZE, Manhattan, Kansas
Twisted_Snake BRONZE, Manhattan, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight.<br /> The secret to a long life to not shorten it.

When The Flower Blossom blooms
the end will begin,
for there is nothing to stop the flow of time
except for time itself.
When the Flower Blossom blooms
many things will start to wither,
for it gets colder and dimer
the lights teach will fade
and many will hide away.
When the Flower Blossom hides
the end will stop,
the beginning will start
for there is only one thing that can keep time flowing
and that is time itself.
When the FLower Blossom hides
many things will start to rise
for it gets warmer and brighter
the light reach will rise.
Many will roam
for when the flower blossom cycles
so the weather does too.

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