Why Don't You Care? | Teen Ink

Why Don't You Care?

August 3, 2010
By caitlin1426 BRONZE, Harrisbug, Pennsylvania
caitlin1426 BRONZE, Harrisbug, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Talking without thinking, is to no talk at all"

I'm screaming
In a room full of people
Why don't you care?

My heart is breaking
Into a million pieces
Why don't you care?

I'm cutting
The blood sliding slowly down my palms
Why don't you care?

I haven't eaten
In almost a week
Why don't you care?

I'm crying
Harder then I ever have before
Why don't you care?

I'm fighting
A battle between my life and my death
Why don't you care?

I'm running
Away from my problems, my life
Why don't you care?

I'm shaking
I can barely hold my own
Why don't you care?

I throw things
Breaking them against the wall all you do is stare
Why don't you care?

I want to scream at you,
Beat you,
Neglect you,
Hurt you,
Make you cry,
Cry like me,
Why don't you care?

I want you to feel
Feel what I feel
Why don't you care?

You don't care,
Because you don't see
You don't see me
You don't see my tears
You're passive

I want you to feel
Feel your heart breaking
Like I can feel mine
I want you to feel the ache
So I can look on
But the difference between you and I
The one thing that makes you and me different,
Is that I would care.

I would care
Because seeing you hurt
Hurts me

Why doesn't seeing me hurt
Hurt you?

So let me ask you this....
Why dont you care?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 8 2011 at 4:33 pm
secrets_of_silence GOLD, Gisborne, Other
12 articles 0 photos 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
life had i loved the more<br /> had it but passed away<br /> as quietly as the day<br /> ebbs from the darkening star.<br /> <br /> <br /> -emanuel litvinoff

aww this is a poem that made me cry... its epic