Change | Teen Ink


September 19, 2019
By juliabeth17 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
juliabeth17 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was from the comparison game—jealousy, envy, resentment

Do I have nicer things than them? Why can’t I have that? Am I better than them?

I am grateful, grasping everything I do have. Fulfilled with where I sit now, in this moment.

I was from perfection—excellence, precision, exactness

Do I have all A’s? What can I do to be flawless? Can I do better?

I am blemished and I love it. Perfection, unattainable. 

I was from adolescence—greeness, minority, curiosity

Do I belong? Do people like me? Are people judging me? 

I am mature. Nonchalant about others’ thoughts. Embracing people that like me. Embracing people that don’t. 

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