Rock Bottom | Teen Ink

Rock Bottom

January 4, 2019
By FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
FaEA54 PLATINUM, Louisville, Kentucky
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That night She whispered to herself.

How could you let this happen?

A fire kindling within Her heart was now a mere flame, not large enough to keep Her warm.

The salt in Her tears alerted Her that She was crying.

Her hands fumbled as if they were searching.

Searching for gasoline. 

She needed to be ignited.

She lay upright in Her bed, numb from the winter of solitude and begged for a small ray of light.

But because the dark angels battled in the night sky,

light was extinct.

She had hit Rock Bottom


She knew She couldn't stay on the cold stones that She lay upon.

She needed the gasoline to ignite.

To be of Her own assistance,

She pulled every vein in Her arms and reached from the hell inside Her soul

and flew up from Her solitude of Rock Bottom.




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