The Shoe's Story | Teen Ink

The Shoe's Story

August 21, 2018
By Frivolous_Poet BRONZE, Udaipur, Other
Frivolous_Poet BRONZE, Udaipur, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you wish to see in the world.

I sit idly on the rack,

Clean, shining and polished black,


Patrons come every day,

Watch me on the display,


Some look at me and pass by,

Rejecting me with a quick sigh,


Then there are those who give me a try,

Of them, few find me go awry,

A few give me a nod,

But reject, finding my price odd.


I wonder when I would be bought,

Move out of this dull spot,

Walk and visit new places,

Neatly polished with taut laces,


It would not surely be boring,

As I’d constantly be exploring!

The author's comments:

Just thought how would a Shoe feel and scrawled something about it.

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